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The University of Guanajuato is organizing the UG-ASME-Pi Tau Sigma Symposium of Renewable Energies and Thermal Sciences to gather Graduate Students from different Mexican Universities in the area of thermal sciences and renewable energies into a single place.

Due to the current energy crisis it is necessary that the universities from all over the country collaborate to find a way to mitigate this unpleasant event. Therefore, one of the goals of this symposium is that the Graduate Students know what their peers from different Mexican universities are doing in their respective area of research. One way they can know the research topics of their peers, is through a poster presentation session. This is why it is required for the Graduate Students attending the symposium to bring a poster related with their research. Another goal of the symposium is that the Graduate Students have interaction with recognized researchers from around the world. For this event we will have speakers from the  University of Houston (USA), the Università di Roma 1 “Sapienza” (Italia), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA), Northeastern University (Boston, USA), the Electrical Research Institute (Mexico), and UNAM (Mexico).


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